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Now You Know




We thrive on continuous self-challenge, extending beyond client projects to initiatives that ignite our creative flame. This time, our mission was simple; craft a series of films dedicated to bringing random facts to life.

Fueled by our team's passion for storytelling, we set out to breathe vitality into these unexpected tales. Each animated narratives were crafted within the set parameters, allowing for creative, free, and humorous expression. The humorous touch not only adheres to the tonality we wanted to convay but should also help ensure that the end product is enjoyable for both the creators and the audience. From unraveling unique basketball stats and tracing the origin of cotton candy to depicting pigeons as unexpected art connoisseurs, each film masterfully intertwines humor and creativity.

Throughout this series, our goal was to not just entertain but to captivate, ensuring our audience remained in a state of delightful curiosity until the very end. Witnessing the seamless alignment of puzzle pieces as each fact unfolded became the grand finale – an expression of our commitment to both creativity and knowledge.

Now You Know – Shaq
Now You Know – Pigeon
Now You Know – Cotton Candy
Now You Know – Swans
Now You Know – Fish Rain



A heartfelt thanks to the team behind the project

From creative brilliance to meticulous planning and structuring, each of you played a pivotal role in making this project a success. Your dedication and collaboration are truly appreciated, setting a high standard within our studio. 

Andreas Elleby Jørgensen, Eva Oravecz, Fiorella Spitzer, Julie Baltzer, Lasse Steinmetz Mikkelsen, Martin Axelsson, Martin Kundby, Mathias Lynge, Natal Zaks, Nicolaj Larsson, Stine S. Larsen, Thinh Nguyễn

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