This first film is targeted at young people who may be living in an abusive environment. A young man tells the story of how the Children's Telephone has impacted his life and the one of his alcoholic father. A mixture between the portrayal of events in a more literal sense and the visualization of feelings through metaphors proved to be a good recipe to both convey understanding of the child's situation while lowering the hurdle to take action by telling a specific success story.
Like any project for a good cause, it has been a tremendous pleasure to work on twofold: we get to do what we love and help make a change for the better.
-> Design
-> Illustration
-> Animation
-> Original Music & Sound Design
Creative Direction
Nicolaj Larsson
Art Direction
Lasse Steinmetz
Nicolaj Larsson
Production Management
Martin Axelsson
Lasse Steinmetz
Lasse Steinmetz
Traditional Animation
Lasse Steinmetz
Original Music & Sound Design
Natal Zaks
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